German Nikolaus Cookie

german christmas cookies

For the Saint Nikolaus day on Dec 6th or Christmas: Cute German Nikolaus Cookies. These are great cookies for the traditional German Nikolaus Day or in general for the holidays. They are a nice gift if wrapped in transparent paper and wrapped with a…

German Nikolaus Pocket Cookies

  This is a German Christmas Cookies recipe for December 6th, a traditional Germany celebration and is called “Nikolaus Day”. Back in my childhood Saint Nikolaus would visit every home in our community to see if the children had been nice kids during the…

German Bakery: Holiday Christmas Weckmann

nikolaus weckmann

What is a Weckmann? The Weckmann out of yeast dough is a sweet bread that is also called “Stutenkerl, Grittibänz or Klausenmann”, baked especially in the holiday season from North to South. The following recipe is a universal recipe, and can be used for…

German Weckmann Sweet Bread Nikolaus

The German Weckmann Sweet Bread for St Martin’s Day is an old German tradition. Plural of a Weckmann would be Weckmänner, and there is no direct translation. It’s sweet bread formed to a Nikolaus type figure. In some regions the Weckmann is not a…