The German Flaedle soup is a special Swabian soup that you get in almost every Country Inn or “Gasthaus” of the South. Flädle are made out of pancakes. You would use pancake left overs to make this delicious German soup. In Germany you can…
You will love these Sauerkraut Potato pancakes! In Germany we are very creative when it comes to Sauerkraut. This is another original German recipe which is using Sauerkraut, the most famous side dish of Germany. Make sure to get the original German Sauerkraut. A…
If you like pancakes you will like this recipe for Palatschinken which are thin pancakes and very similar to the French crêpes but much thinner than the American pancakes. Palatschinken contain only a few ingredients: eggs, wheat flour, milk, sugar and salt. You would…
Pancakes are a very popular German recipe but if you have to cook gluten free, so far there was no recipe. Now we added the recipe for German Gluten Free Pancakes! It is very easy, and you can vary the pan cakes as you…
We have several pancake recipes on this website but today I found an authentic German recipe that was too simple to be true! It’s a proven recipe, nothing can fail. Make these pancakes for your Sunday brunch, for a dessert with ice cream and…
Rhineland Potato pancakes or Reibekuchen, as they call them in the Rhineland dialect, are a traditional German dish that you can find at street booths, at fairs or in restaurants. It is also called “Kartoffelpuffer” or “Kartoffelkuechle”. You enjoy them with apple compote, mashed…
Pancakes filled with meat is a German specialty that you will love. For this recipe ground beef is used. Very often pancakes are filled with sweet ingredients such as whipped cream, berries, apple sauce but they taste delicious with a zesty filling. First you…
German filled pancakes are a classic German dish that can be varied in many ways. This recipe is with a mushroom-onion filling. But you can use some ham or zucchini, ground meat or green and red pepper. If you like enjoy it without…