Authentic German Mashed Potatoes

German mashed potatoes are a classic side dish for all meat dishes with gravy such as Goulash, beef Rouladen, and are a great combination with fried liver, meat loaf and Bratwurst. Home made mashed potatoes are the best. Forget the ones out of the…

Bundt Cake Recipe from Scratch

Bundt Cake recipe from scratch is an easy German cake that everyone can bake. It is an ideal coffee cake that everyone will love.

German Nikolaus Cookie

Make a German Nikolaus Cookie that looks like the Santa Claus, in German Nikolaus!  These are great cookies for the traditional German Nikolaus Day or in general for the holidays. They are a nice gift if wrapped in transparent paper and wrapped with a…

Turkey Leftover Recipe

Turkey leftover recipe – that’s what we do in Germany with turkey leftovers: This German Turkey recipe is a stir fry that means you cook everything in one skillet and fry it for a short time only. The recipe is using pears because pears…

German Pumpkin Lasagne – Pumpkin Recipes

The German pumpkin lasagne is  a great recipe using pumpkins and the fall season. It is a combination of pumpkin, egg plant and leek, and it is also a  healthy, veggie dish.  If you like pumpkin dishes, this recipe is for you! Happy Cooking….

German Halloween Muffin Recipe

A very easy German recipe for Halloween;  you just need some decorating items such as licorice wheels and drops from Haribo, a food decorating pen or melted chocolate that is using with a simple freezing bag. Just cut of a tiny corner piece and…

German Christmas Cookies: Caramel Cookies

Ingredients (40-50 pieces)
 German Christmas Cookies: Caramel Cookies 4 tbsp pumpkin seeds 6 dried apricots 8 tbsp brown sugar 2 tbsp coarse sugar Dough 150 g cold butter 75 g powdered sugar 225 g flour 1 egg yolk 1 pinch salt 

Baking Instructions German…

Halloween Recipes: Vampire Blood Punch

  Are you looking for Halloween recipes with alcohol? Here is a great Halloween recipe from Germany. It’s an ancient recipe from Dracula’s cook who died in a tragic way because he was a victim of a plot against Dracula. After a party where…