Pork Rolls Recipe from Stuttgart – Authentic German

Find out today what they cook in Stuttgart! This is a Pork rolls recipe from the German city Stuttgart, the capital of Swabia, the so called “Schwabenland”. We call this dish in German “Stuttgarter Roellchen” (Roellchen means tiny roll). The meat for the pork rolls…

German Tortenboden Recipe – Fruit Base Cake

German Tortenboden recipe

This German Tortenboden Recipe is the base for many different German cakes and it made out of a kneaded dough that we call in German “Mürbeteig” or short crust dough. The most popular cakes with apples, plums or cherries are using this base cake….

Roasted Almonds – Christmas Market Specialty

Roasted almonds are a German specialty that you will find on every  German Christmas Market throughout Germany. They are also available here in the USA but are not as common as for example the Kettle corn. We found a recipe to make roasted almonds…

German White Beans Beef Stew

german white beans stew

We all love stews! Especially in Germany stews are very popular. The German White Beans Beef Stew is easy to make and great for a family dinner. Normally the fall and winter months are great for stews.  Happy Cooking. Ingredients German White Beans Beef…

Filled Pumpkin – Authentic German Recipe

The Filled Pumpkin is another pumpkin recipe for your fall menu – a very special dish indeed using Hokkaido pumpkin or squash. It contains a special dried mushroom, the boletus or porcino (Steinpilz in German). You would need a flat pumpkin to make this…

German Apple Pancakes for the Perfect Brunch

apple pancakes

German apple pancakes or “Apfelpfannekuchen” in German, are great for a sweet supper or as part of a Sunday brunch. German apple pancakes are thinner than the American pancakes. If you want to make them use apples that are slightly sour. Happy Cooking! Ingredients German…

Champagne Sauerkraut – Special German Sauerkraut

The Champagne Sauerkraut or “Champagner Sauerkraut” in German, is a refined Sauerkraut specialty as you can only find in Germany. This is an original German recipe that is proven. It adds to every simple Sauerkraut dish a special touch, and it is easy to…

German Marzipan Chocolate Brownie

marzipan chocolate brownies

Have you ever looked for the best German Marzipan Chocolate Brownie Recipe? Here it is. It’s an original German recipes that you will love using chocolate and marzipan. The best is to use raw marzipan but we found out that the so called German…