How to Make German Quince Jam Jelly

german quince jelly

Learn today how to make German Quince Jam Jelly without the special “Gelierzucker”, the sugar for jams that you only can get online or in special German shops in the USA. In this recipe you would be using regular sugar. It’s been said that…

German Rhubarb Streusel Cake

german rhubarb streusel cake

The German Rhubarb Streusel Cake is a great cake to bake in summer when rhubarb is available. We love this cake for the traditional  “Kaffee and Kuchen” time on Sunday! Rhubarb is used in the German cuisine for compote, pastries, desserts and cakes. Originally…

Underberg Recipes – Cooking with Underberg

underberg USA

The tradition of the herbal German digestive “Underberg“ goes way back to a time that we nowadays would call the good old times. The Underberg story began in the year 1846 when Hubert Underberg married Katharina Albrecht, and they founded the company Underberg-Albrecht at…

Basic Homemade Mayonnaise Recipes

Homemade mayonnaise is very easy to make. This mayonnaise is complete natural and so much healthier than the one from the shelf. No additives, no preservatives and high fructose syrup! Actually it is so easy to make that I asked myself: Why did I…

German Dark Beer – Secrets Revealed

German Dark Beer – Traditional Bock Beer In Germany the dark beer is called “Bock Beer” which is sweet, relatively strong (6.3%–7.2% by volume); a lightly hopped lager. Originally it was known to be a dark, malty, lightly hopped ale that was first brewed…

Bethmaennchen – Christmas Cookies from Frankfurt

Bethmaennchen are German cookies made from Marzipan, almond flour, powdered sugar and rosewater. The name comes from the family Simon Moritz von Bethmann in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. A legend says that the famous Parisian pastry chef Jean Jacques Gautenier developed the recipe at the…

German Filled Potatoes – Authentic Potato Dish

German Filled potatoes are a great alternative to baked potatoes which are very popular in the USA. The filled potatoes are easy to make and the most work does the oven! Happy Cooking. Ingredients German Filled Potatoes (serves 6) 6 big potatoes 2 tbsp…

White Asparagus with Shrimp Hollandaise Sauce

Asparagus with Shrimp Hollandaise is a great dish for an entree or as a main or side dish. The German recipe is using crab butter and I could not find it to purchase but it is not difficult to make it. Happy Cooking!  …