Halloween Sausage Mummies

Halloween sausage mummies

These Halloween sausage mummies will make your Halloween party guests smile. Serve them warm or cold with German mustard. In Germany Halloween has become quite fashionable and everyone likes to celebrate with Halloween food and costumes. Happy Cooking! Ingredients Halloween Sausage Mummies (makes 10…

German Bienenstich or Bee Sting Cake – Fast Version

bee sting cake

The German Bienenstich, or Bee sting cake in English, is a traditional German cake and can be found in almost every German bakery. The name means literally “Bee Sting cake“. There is a legend where the baker who baked the cake had been stung…

How to make Sauerkraut from Scratch – All Steps

how to make sauerkraut at home

How to make Sauerkraut from scratch is not as difficult as you may think. When I wrote the last recipe for Sauerkraut I thought it would be good to know how you actually can make Sauerkraut from scratch. Making Sauerkraut is an old traditional…

German Apple Tart – Better than a Pie

german apple tart

The French are known to be the masters of making tarts but they are not the only ones. I had many apples and 1 pie crust left over so I decided to create a tart that can compete with the French apple tarts. The…

Great Summer Soup – German Farmer Stew

german farmer stew

The German farmer stew, or “Eintopf” as we call it in German, is a great German dish that can be varied with all kinds of seasonal vegetables such as zucchini, squash, cauliflower, carrots, broccoli or celery. You also can add white or red kidney…

Lamb Stew with Green Beans – Brandenburg Style

Lamb Green Beans Stew

The German Lamb Green Beans Stew is a local specialty from the Northern region Brandenburg which used to be former East German territory but became its own province in 1990. This lamb dish is traditional and is served in local restaurants all over Brandenburg….

German Beef Onion Stew

german beef onion stew

German is the country for stews and “Eintopf” as we say in German. Everything is cooked in one pot. The German Beef Onion stew is similar to the German dish Goulash but is not quite the same. You cook this dish in the oven…

Berlin Potato Salad – Local Recipe from Berlin

berlin berliner potato salad

The Berlin potato salad or in German, “Berliner Kartoffelsalat”,  is a specialty from the capital of Germany, from Berlin. If you plan to make this salad keep in mind that it has to rest for 3-4 hours or the best would be to keep…