German Rhubarb Streusel Cake

german rhubarb streusel cake

The German Rhubarb Streusel Cake is a great cake to bake in summer when rhubarb is available. We love this cake for the traditional  “Kaffee and Kuchen” time on Sunday! Rhubarb is used in the German cuisine for compote, pastries, desserts and cakes. Originally…

Potato Gratin – German Potato Casserole

The German Potato gratin, or potato casserole, can be served as a side or a main dish combined with a salad. You can vary the cheese as you like. For this recipe we used a mix of Swiss cheese and Pepper Jack which added…

German Crunchy Fried Potatoes

The German crunchy fried potatoes are not just the regular fried potatoes, this is a different recipe. It’s about how to cook the potatoes to get a crunchy crust. If you like fried potatoes try this one out, you might want to make it…

German Fasnacht Recipe Ausgezogene

German Fasnacht Recipe Ausgezogene or “Knieküchle” (knee pastries) are different from Krapfen or pancakes. It is a traditional and local recipe of the German and Austrian cuisine. Like the Berliner this pastry will be deep fried. Ausgezogene are made out of a yeast dough,…

German Fasnacht Krapfen Recipe – Carnival Specialty

german fasnacht krapfen

The German Fasnacht Krapfen recipe is a traditional German dish for the Fasnacht, Karneval or Fasching time – in Germany also called “the wild days!” It is like the recipe “Berliner” or “Mutzen” which are deep fried but these Krapfen have no filling. To…

German Filled Butter Cookies

The German filled butter cookies are very easy to make and this is a great recipe for baking beginners. It is an original German recipe, just in time for Christmas. Germany has mastered the Christmas cookie baking since hundreds of years and has the…

Turkey with Bavarian Dumpling Filling

The Turkey with Bavarian dumpling filling is an original German recipe that you will love for the American Thanksgiving dinner. The German recipe is using dried “Steinpilze” (porcini) for this dish. Good side dishes are red cabbage and mashed potatoes. Spätzle and other vegetables…

Schaeufele Recipe – Black Forest Meat Specialty

Find out about a special meat specialty: Schäufele (scheufele) Recipe – Black Forest meat specialty. In my childhood we would have this meat dish served exactly as shown on the photo below on Christmas eve, the evening were Christmas gifts are exchanged in Germany….