Are you looking for the famous lard bread spread that originates from Germany? Here is an original German Griebenschmalz Recipe, the popular lard bread spread. Griebenschmalz is made out of Flomen (leaf lard) and Pork Speck (belly fat). This is an original and authentic…
Today learn how to make the healthy Broccoli Potato Soup, it is an Authentic German recipe. You don’t need any special ingredients. This soup is made in 20 Minutes. It can be frozen or made for some days in advance. A healthy soup for…
Curry Ketchup Recipes are very popular in Germany like the famous Currwurst (curry sausage). How did it start? It started when the German lady Herta Heuwer served it on September 4, 1949 at her street booth in Berlin, at the corner Kant/Kaiser Friedrich Strasse…
It is important to know how to make Vanilla Sauce because it is used for many German dishes and is not really available in the US Supermarkets. It is not custard or pudding. It is a sweet sauce which is using the pulp of…
The authentic German pork roast is a traditional German dish that you can find in any good local German Inn or, as we call it in Germany, a “Gasthof”. Back in the 50s or 60s many families that lived on the German countryside would…
Apple Turnovers or “Apfelmaultaschen” is a traditional and historic German recipe. The specialty is rumored to have been invented by monks of the German monastery Maulbronn (located in Baden-Würtemberg) to conceal the fact that they were eating meat during lent. The monks hid the…
The German beef broth is the base for many other soups and recipes. It is better than the broths in a package or can because it is all natural without any preservatives or additives. Try this broth one time, and you don’t want to…
The Griessnockerl Soup (or Griessnockerlsuppe in German) is a German soup that makes a perfect starter for a menu. In Germany soups are served before a menu and the Griessnockerlsuppe is a classic soup that you can find on many traditional German restaurant menus….